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mWG ()Ivy Ng (^) ʺ/WG G ʮG }ԡA~VAsD ڷQG @pIC fYաG n ܰG jAӤߡAWi ̳߷RCG šAզ ̳߷RBʡG WakeboardAW ̳߷RG JA} ̰QG h ̷QȹCaG ھ(]) ̳߷Rqvιq@G KF ̳߷RqG R² ̳߷RG S (])An ̪Y䦨\khG Ÿ (]) \Ʒ~ JgLG ĤQVmZ BơG ѲӨjnnmAQNA٦nhQHbڨC
mWG }X()Ho Mo Ki(KiKi)(^) ʺ/WG KiKi ʮG wMR ڷQG v,C@ fYաG I ܰG d,ԤO, ̳߷RCG զ ̳߷RBʡG a ̳߷RG
̰QG S ̷QȹCaG N(])Py ̳߷Rqvιq@G mNotting HillnAmSex And The Cityn ̳߷RqG mHappy Birthdayn ̳߷RG Julia Roberts(])n ̪Y䦨\khG (])ijکMӭ JgLG VmZ BơG ۤvSƩBALOKC
mWG P_M()Chow Po Lam Pauline(^) ʺ/WG Bo Bo /U ʮG nԡAn ڷQG N̦naHFѲӨj]ܳwۺqAƱb] fYաG IAݧYYIrHIѩOK ܰG jAwPAѡAڡAϤsAM@ ̳߷RCG A ̳߷RBʡG ̼B ̳߷RG 饻An̽uAs ̰QG DAӪοAŦ ̷QȹCaG N(])MFAnѰ ̳߷RG e(])qnťAӥBܶԾ ̪Y䦨\khG Bw(])H͵AԤOAiHXQ~̵MH𰪥C JgLG kpС@֤kp@ BơG ѲӨjjɶQAҸդjŮѳiXAĤ@h|RXm]չL|ӦrOI
mWG ¼()Zoe(^) ʺ/WG ZO ʮG A}ԡAkJY ڷQG Ʊܦɪ̡AMܶQqLҦ}cAiDeal or No Deal $3,000,000.00 ɵoKK. Yeah fYաG r?!(d?!) ܰG ~ءA@wnLڡAl ̳߷RCG
̳߷RBʡG ³AR ̳߷RG AJJAyJ| ̰QG Ŧ ̷QȹCaG þ(])W߷RMsj ̳߷Rqvιq@G @ѧTA@ǷRp~ ̳߷RqG Jazz and Hip Hop ̳߷RG Britney Spear (])ʡAʷPAyARܴ ̪Y䦨\khG Bw (]) u@ɪA JgLG kpС]֤kp^ BơG ³QĹKOI
mWG i()Candy Cheung(^) ʺ/WG H ʮG kind-hearted, honest, straight-farward, ڷQG to live happily ever after with my beloved family, to win an academy awards. fYաG
ܰG kind hearted and pure person, with a soft spot far animals. ̳߷RCG depends on how the colours are matched. ̳߷RBʡG baseball, dadgeball ̳߷RG coffee,tuna sashimi,fruit juice ̰QG green peppers(because of a bad childhood memory) ̷QȹCaG jerusalem(])birth place of jesus ̳߷Rqvιq@G mgreat expectationsnmthe departednmcinderella marn ̳߷RqG rock & roll ̳߷RG andy lau,leonardo dicaprio(])handsome, great actors,genours, ̪Y䦨\khG (]) JgLG TVB aritste class BơG 110 (gotta believe it to make it happen) lucky
mW G RA () Amy Tsang (^) ʺ/WG Mimi/ Ames ʮG Adventurous, Curious, Caring ڷQG Open a Spa or Yoga Centre fYաG Huh? What does that means? Why? ܰG Open, Intelligent, Funny, Honest, Loving, Caring ̳߷RCG
̳߷RBʡG ɡAxy ̳߷RG Japanese Food, Salmon Roe Rice ̰QG o ̷QȹCaG NjQ(])Beautiful, Good Food, 谤H谴 ̳߷Rqvιq@G Pradac], 谤ӭ ̳߷RqG Buttons, Pussycat Dolls ̳߷RG iҥ (])Talented, Beautiful and Graceful __ ̪Y䦨\khG (]) JgLG ĤGQVmZ BơG ګܩBOI]ڤӦhnHbڪC
̳߷RBʡG a ̳߷RG N ̰QG ʹ} ̷QȹCaG [j(])ڪam ̳߷Rqvιq@G Ѫa[ / LQ ̳߷RqG Cant Take My Eyes Off You ̳߷RG iҥ (]) ʮAn۵M ̪Y䦨\khG Bw(]) nԤOAn JgLG ѿ2004~pj BơG 6/10A]ӲӭӨ{bLonּ֡C